Course Description
Integration of biological and socio-cultural factors in human sexuality and relationships. Personal and social-sexual issues as they relate to decision making concerning sexual behavior and sexual health are explored.
Intro to Human Sexuality covers from reproductive health, sexual dysfunctions, sex when aging, and even sexually transmitted infections. Why did I decide take a sexology class? The reason is simple we deal with our bodies everyday and come contact with the word sex daily, yet many of us don't fully understand exactly what that means. I'm literally surrounded by false information and I wanted to completely understand sex as a whole. Sexology, is a new science that started in the 1950's, so there still so much still being added. My final assignment I decided to share was Aging and Sexual Arousal. When it comes to sex while aging there is defiantly a double standard.
I always believed when men age they can always have sex with no complications, while with women that isn't the case. People like Hugh Hefner always gave me the idea and various other films that men engage in sex with no problems. Due to, there not being many films on women aging and their sex life Iv'e always had the idea it was non existent because with age your no longer sexually interested. While in fact, men when they age seem to face more problems such as duration and intensity. Where as women, usually lubricant you can buy over the counter fixes the problem.
As we age it doesn't mean our sex life has to be entirely over. I myself am still 20 years of age do not have to worry about aging issues quite yet, found this informative. I found this course to add on to my General education by helping me fully understand changes in my body and to seek knowledge.